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Reform the Louisiana Education Discipline System to one that upholds Preamble, Article 8, Louisiana State Constitution which states:

“The goal of the public educational system is to provide learning environments and experiences, at all stages of human development, that are humane, just, and designed to promote excellence in order that every individual may be afforded an equal opportunity to develop to his full potential.”

Objective 1: Reduce the number of suspensions and expulsions as it relates to “willful disobedience, habitually tardy and absent” by 50%

Objective 2: Push for 5 schools and/or 1 school district in Louisiana to implement a moratorium on suspensions

Objective 3: Reduce the number of suspensions and expulsions locally, statewide and nationally

Objective 4: Eliminate the use of suspensions and expulsions for willful disobedience by 2017 – statewide moratorium on suspensions


Advocacy Initiative helps parents navigate the education system before their children are suspended from school by ensuring due process and seeking solutions to suspensions.

Parent in Leadership Project is designed to ensure that as our educational institutions continue to be rebuilt, our children who are in crisis, who learn differently, and who exhibit challenging behaviors are kept in their schools where they are surrounded with knowledge and opportunities and out of our harsh and punitive juvenile justice system by training parents on the information below:

Model Code Training
Moratorium on suspensions

Building Coalitions Inititative will bring together organizations and allies working on education reform in order to build capacity to end the school to prison pipeline.

DSC – New Orleans Chapter